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许延春 教授

发布时间:2019-03-20 13:43:41       来源:       作者:       点击:

许延春,男,汉族,中共党员,河北乐亭人,1963年4月生,现为伟德国际BETVLCTOR(北京)伟德国际BETVLCTOR教授、博导、研究员,任中国煤炭工业协会煤矿防治水专家委员会委员、中国煤炭学会煤矿开采损害技术鉴定委员会委员、中国地质学会矿山水防治与利用专业委员会委员。自1984年从事特殊采煤(近水体安全采煤、煤矿井筒破裂防治和建筑物下采煤)方向的研究和教学,主持、主参10多项国家(包括“十五攻关”、“973”、国家自然科学基金)科研课题,近5年以来主持完成12项近水体安全采煤项目和1项井筒破裂防治理项目,科技成果广泛用于煤矿生产实践,解决了一系列重大工程技术难题。曾获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项、省部级科技进步奖11项(一等奖4项,二等奖7项)、国家发明专利1项;出版学术著作5部,参加《建筑物、水体、铁路及主要井巷煤柱留设与压煤开采规范》(2017年)修编。在Mine Water and the Environment、煤炭学报等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文60余篇。

ShortBiosketch of Professor Yanchun Xu

Born in 1963,Yanchun Xureceived his B.E. in mining engineering atXi’an Mining Institute in 1984 and received his M.E. and Ph.D. in mining engineering at China Coal Research Institute in 1992 and 2002. He serves as professor in School of Energy and Mining Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) and supervisor for Ph.D. students. He also serves as member in the committee of mine water control experts of the China National Coal Association, member in the technical appraisal committee of mining damage of the China Coal Society, and member in the committee of mine water prevention and utilization of the China Geological Society.

Xustarted his research and teaching career in special mining from 1984 which includes coal mining near water bodies, prevention of mine shaft failure, and coal mining under buildings.Xuhas presided over and participated in more than 10 national research projects including the 10th Five Years Key Programs, the Program 973, and programs supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.In recent 5 years,Xuhas directed12projects on coal mining near water bodies and1projectsonmine-shaft fracture prevention. His research has been widely applied in coal mine production and solved a wide range of engineering problems.Xuhas won 1 second prize in National Science and Technology Progress Awards, 4 first prizes and 7 second prizes in Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards, and owns 1 national invention patent.Xutook part in the writing and revision of the Pillar Design and Mining Specifications under Buildings, Water, Rails, and Major Roadways (2017) and has published 5 monographs and more than 60 peer-reviewed papers on well-known journals such asMine Water and the EnvironmentandJournal of China Coal Society.Xu’s selected publications are listed below:

  1. XuYC, Du MZ, Luo YQ. Using Water Injection to Prevent Shaft Failure in the Jining No. 3 Coal Mine, China.Mine Water and the Environment, 2019. (Doi: 10.1007/s10230-018-00576-z)

  2. Xu YC, Luo YQ, Li JH, Li KQ, Cao XC. Water andsand inrush during mining under thick unconsolidated layers and thin bedrock in the Zhaogu No. 1 coal mine, China.Mine Water and the Environment, 2018, 37(2): 336-345.

  3. 许延春,曹光明,张星宇,端恒,刘世奇.推采陷落柱工作面覆岩异常破坏规律研究.矿业科学学报, 2018,3(03):268-276.

  4. 许延春,杜明泽,吕文茂.低压联合注水预防井筒破坏工业试验.矿业科学学报,2017,2(05):459-466.

  5. 许延春,谢小锋,刘世奇,李昆奇,王焕忠.注浆加固工作面底板岩体力学性质“增强-损伤”的定量测定.采矿与安全工程学报,2017,34(06):1186-1193.

  6. 李江华,许延春,董检平,郭文砚,曹旭初.风化泥岩裂缝涌水及扩展规律模拟试验研究.煤炭学报,2016,41(04):984-991.

  7. XuYC,LiXD,Jie YX. Test onwaterlevelstabilization andprevention ofmineshaftfailure bymeans ofgroundwaterinjection.Geotechnical Testing Journal,2014,37(2):319-332.

  8. 许延春,李见波.注浆加固工作面底板突水“孔隙-裂隙升降型”力学模型.伟德国际BETVLCTOR学报,2014,43(01):49-55.

  9. 许延春,陈新明,李见波,姚依林.大埋深高水压裂隙岩体巷道底臌突水试验研究.煤炭学报,2013,38(S1):124-128.

  10. 许延春,刘世奇,柳昭星,张旗,王焕忠.近距离厚煤层组工作面覆岩破坏规律实测研究.采矿与安全工程学报,2013,30(04):506-511.

Contact:Dr. Yanchun Xu, Professor

School of Energy and Mining Engineering

China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing

Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China

Tel: 13681272776

Email: yanchun-xu@163.com

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